Como selectionar Lentes Progresivos para sus ojos

Lentes Progresivos

Lentes Progresivas: también conocidas como Lentes de Adición Progresiva (PAL), Lentes Multifocales y/o Bifocales Sin Línea. 

Las lentes progresivas proporcionan tres campos de visión en una sola lente con una progresión perfecta y natural en la potencia en toda el área de visualización. 

Comenzando con su potencia de distancia (lejos) en la parte superior, aumentando lentamente y gradualmente en potencia, hasta que se alcanza la potencia de lectura completa (cerca) en la parte inferior. 

Una lente progresiva ofrece una visión clara de lejos a cerca y toda la distancia en el medio.

  • Seleccione un material:

Plástico CR-39 Progresivos
    Las lentes progresivas plasticas CR-39 son ligeras, delgadas y se pueden teñiser fácilmente. No es adecuado para marcos de montaje en taladro.

Recomendado para prescripción baja a leve.

Claridad óptica: Excelente
    Protección UV: Parcial
    Resistencia al impacto: Bueno
    Indice de Refracción: 1.49
    Valor ABBE: 58
    Más información ?
    Progresivos de policarbonato
    Las lentes progresivas de policarbonato son ultra ligeras y resistentes a los impactos.

Recomendado para recetas bajas a leves.

Claridad óptica: Bueno
    Protección UV: Sí
    Resistencia al impacto: Excelente
    Indice de Refracción: 1.58
    Valor ABBE: 30
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    Progresistas Trivex

    Las lentes progresivas Trivex tienen una óptica superior, una resistencia al impacto adicional y son ultraligeras.

Recomendado para prescripción baja a leve.

Claridad óptica: Excelente
    Protección UV:Sí
    Resistencia al impacto: Excelente
    Indice de Refracción: 1.53
    Valor ABBE: 45
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    Progresivos de alto índice

  •    Las lentes progresivas High Index 1.67 y 1.74 son opciones más delgadas y ligeras en materiales.

  • Recomendado para recetas medias a altas.

Claridad óptica: Bueno
    Protección UV: Sí
    Resistencia al impacto: Bueno
    Indice de Refracción: 1.67 /1.74
    Valor ABBE: 32

  Lo que puede incluirse:

Las lentes fotocromáticas son comúnmente utilizadas por personas que trabajan o pasan mucho tiempo al aire libre, por personas que usan gafas y no quieren obtener gafas graduadas separadas, y por personas con sensibilidad a la luz. 

Están disponibles en una variedad de fabricantes con varias opciones de color (por ejemplo, marrón o gris) y oscuridad de tinte, y otras características.

Al igual que otros tipos de lentes de anteojos, las lentes fotocromáticas se pueden colocar en un marco de la elección del paciente. Las opciones de marco van desde básico hasta diseñador. ofrece una guía de lentes fotocromáticas[5] .

Costes adicionales:

Las fundas de anteojos suelen costar de aproximadamente $5 a $30.
Los paños de microfibra y el limpiador de lentes suelen costar menos de $10.


Single Vision Lenses

Single Vision Lenses: provide correction for one field of vision (myopia or hyperopia). For presbyopia, a single vision lens can be specified to correct distance, intermediate (computer), or near vision (reading).

Click here for a our material/power recommendation

Please select a material:

  • Plastic CR-39 Single Vision

    Plastic Single Vision Lenses are light weight, thin and can be easily tinted. Not suitable for drill mount frames.

    Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection: PartialImpact Resistance: Good
    Refractive Index: 1.49ABBE Value: 58
  • Polycarbonate Single Vision

    Polycarbonate Single Vision Lenses are ultra light weight and extra impact resistant.

    Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.
    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.58
    ABBE Value: 30
  • Trivex Single Vision

    Trivex Single Vision Lenses have superior optics, extra impact resistance and are ultra light weight.

    Recommended for low to mild prescription.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection:Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.53
    ABBE Value: 45
  • High Index Single Vision

    High Index 1.67 and 1.74 Single Vision Lenses are thinnest and lightest options in materials.

    Recommended for mid to high prescriptions.

    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: GoodRefractive Index: 1.67 /1.74ABBE Value: 32

Bifocal Lenses

Lined Bifocal Lenses: provide correction for two fields of view. Generally for distance and near vision, but can be customized to provide correction for any two viewing distances. Bifocal lenses are available in a variety of segment shapes and widths.

Click here for a our material/power recommendation.

Please select material:

  • Plastic CR-39 Bifocals

    Plastic CR-39 Bifocal Lenses are light weight, thin and can be easily tinted. Not suitable for drill mount frames.

    Recommended for low to mild prescription.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection: Partial
    Impact Resistance: Good
    Refractive Index: 1.49ABBE Value: 58
  • Polycarbonate Bifocals

    Polycarbonate Bifocal Lenses are ultra light weight and extra impact resistant.

    Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.
    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.58
    ABBE Value: 30
  • Trivex Bifocals

    Trivex Bifocal Lenses have superior optics, extra impact resistance and are ultra light weight.

    Recommended for low to mild prescription.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection:Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.53
    ABBE Value: 45
  • High Index 1.67 Bifocals

    High Index 1.67 Bifocal Lenses are thinnest and lightest options in materials.

    Recommended for mid to high prescriptions.

    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: GoodRefractive Index: 1.67 ABBE Value: 32


Progressive Lenses

Progressive Lenses: also referred to as Progressive Addition Lenses (PAL's), Multifocal Lenses and/or No-Line bifocals. Progressive lenses provide three fields of view in one lens with a seamless and natural progression in power throughout the viewing area. Starting with your distance (far) power at the top, slowly and gradually increasing in power, until the full reading (near) power is reached at the bottom. A progressive lens offers clear vision from far to near and all distance in between.

Click here for a our material/power recommendation.

Please select a material:
  • Plastic CR-39 Progressives

    Plastic CR-39 Progressive Lenses are light weight, thin and can be easily tinted. Not suitable for drill mount frames.

    Recommended for low to mild prescription.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection: Partial
    Impact Resistance: Good
    Refractive Index: 1.49ABBE Value: 58
  • Polycarbonate Progressives

    Polycarbonate Progressive Lenses are ultra light weight and extra impact resistant.

    Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.
    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.58
    ABBE Value: 30
  • Trivex Progressives

    Trivex Progressive Lenses have superior optics, extra impact resistance and are ultra light weight.

    Recommended for low to mild prescription.

    Optical Clarity: Excellent
    UV Protection:Yes
    Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.53
    ABBE Value: 45
  • High Index Progressives

    High Index 1.67 and 1.74 Progressive Lenses are thinnest and lightest options in materials.

    Recommended for mid to high prescriptions.

    Optical Clarity: Good
    UV Protection: Yes
    Impact Resistance: GoodRefractive Index: 1.67 /1.74ABBE Value: 32

    What should be included:
    • Photochromic lenses commonly are used by people who work or spend a lot of time outdoors, by people who wear glasses and don't want to get separate prescription sunglasses, and by people with sensitivity to light. They are available from a variety of manufacturers with several options for color (for example, brown or grey) and darkness of tint, and other features.
    • Like other types of eyeglass lenses, photochromic lenses can be placed in a frame of the patient's choice. Frame choices range from basic to designer.
    • offers a guide to photochromic lenses[5] .
    Additional costs:
    • Eyeglass cases typically cost from about $5-$30.
    • Microfiber cloths and lens cleaner typically cost less than $10.

    Computer Progressive Lenses

    Computer Progressive Lenses: an occupational progressive lens that provides correction intermediate and near vision. Offers a larger intermediate zone than regular progressive lenses. Computer lenses are generally not suitable for driving or regular wear.

    Click here for a our material/power recommendation.

    Please select a material:

    • Plastic CR-39 Computer Progressives

      Plastic CR-39 Computer Progressive Lenses are light weight, thin and can be easily tinted. Not suitable for drill mount frames.

      Recommended for low to mild prescription.

      Optical Clarity: Excellent
      UV Protection: Partial
      Impact Resistance: Good
      Refractive Index: 1.49
      ABBE Value: 58
    • Polycarbonate Computer Progressives

      Polycarbonate Computer Progressive Lenses are ultra light weight and extra impact resistant.

      Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.
      Optical Clarity: Good
      UV Protection: Yes
      Impact Resistance: Excellent
      Refractive Index: 1.58
      ABBE Value: 30
    • Trivex Computer Progressives

      Trivex Computer Progressive Lenses have superior optics, extra impact resistance and are ultra light weight.

      Recommended for low to mild prescription.

      Optical Clarity: Excellent
      UV Protection:Yes
      Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.53
      ABBE Value: 45
    • High Index Computer Progressives

      High Index 1.60 and 1.67 Computer Progressive Lenses are thinnest and lightest options in materials.

      Recommended for mid to high prescriptions.

      Optical Clarity: Good
      UV Protection: Yes
      Impact Resistance: GoodRefractive Index: 1.67 /1.74ABBE Value: 32

    Trifocal Lenses

    Lined Trifocal Lenses: correct for three fields of view, distance, intermediate and near vision. A tri focal lens has an added segment above the bifocal for viewing objects in the intermediate zone. Available in a variety of segment widths.

    Click here for a our material/power recommendation.

    Please select material:

    • Plastic CR-39 Trifocals

      Plastic CR-39 Trifocal Lenses are light weight, thin and can be easily tinted. Not suitable for drill mount frames.

      Recommended for low to mild prescription.

      Optical Clarity: Excellent
      UV Protection: Partial
      Impact Resistance: Good
      Refractive Index: 1.49ABBE Value: 58
    • Polycarbonate Trifocals

      Polycarbonate Trifocal Lenses are ultra light weight and extra impact resistant.

      Recommended for low to mild prescriptions.
      Optical Clarity: Good
      UV Protection: Yes
      Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.58
      ABBE Value: 30
    • Trivex Trifocals

      Trivex Trifocal Lenses have superior optics, extra impact resistance and are ultra light weight.

      Recommended for low to mild prescription.

      Optical Clarity: Excellent
      UV Protection:Yes
      Impact Resistance: ExcellentRefractive Index: 1.53
      ABBE Value: 45


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